The RealDeal®
Science Forum of Debates

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We have posted a critical-view article on Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle challenging its contention that it represents a "law of Nature" and challenging therefore the entire foundation of Quantum Theory. You can go directly to the article in question by clicking on the respective eye-icon. 

We have posted two (2) critical-view articles challenging Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity at its very foundation:

 --one, dealing with the relativistic mass-energy concept;

 --the other, dealing with the relativistic space-time concept.

To go directly to the two (2) stated articles, click on the respective eye-icon above.











  Site Overview Of

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  A l l   P h y s i c s   -- G e n e r a l   O v e r v i e w














All Physics Overview


hysics, indisputably can be considered the Mother of all Natural Sciences as its ultimate aim is to discover the laws of Nature at their foundation, and thus any other Natural Science (Astronomy, Biology, and Chemistry, along with all the borderline and derivative sciences accompanying them) must build their theories upon the foundation provided by Physics.


This unique role of Physics, within the realm of Natural Sciences, gives Physics an added form of responsibility as it affects, in a most profound way, the theoretical development of all other Natural Sciences. Because of this paramount importance that Physics plays, we shall devote special attention to all issues involving Physics from the foundational theoretical issues to the methods currently employed in reaching those results, to the burden placed on Society in acquiring those results, to the benefits that Natural Sciences can gain from those results, and finally, to the worthiness of those results as perceived by Society at large.


Our eleven (11) subject-sections plus The Hall of Fame section, which can be accessed through the above Navigational Bar located in the page's heading, are designed to provide a comprehensive reference to the many facets and ways of studying and investigating the subjects of Physics. Aside from the two (2) Index sections --one by Subject, the other by Author, and three (3) Forum sections --The RealDeal® Forum Letters, The RealDeal® Forum Chat Rooms, and The RealDeal® Forum Workshops, which are perhaps self-explanatory, the other remaining six (6) sections need a further introduction as follows.

A special section entitled The RealDeal® List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions was designed to list and emphasize what is not known or understood from the realm of Natural Sciences in a way so as to attract both the attention and the interest in further studying the topics involved.

As far as Physics is taught today, there is little or no emphasis today in classes and textbooks of Physics with respect to what is not known. The great majority of courses and textbooks of Classical Physics (such as Optics, Magnetism, Electricity, Heat Theory, Thermodynamics, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetism, Radiation Theory, and so on) treat its various subjects as being complete sets, with all things known in those subjects and nothing left or needed for further discovery or research. You would be hard pressed to find anywhere a mention, much less an emphasis, on what is not known in these fields with a notable exception, that of the courses and classes of the late Professor Richard P. Feynman of the California Institute of Technology. A similar lack of emphasis towards what is not known can be found in the new, modern Physics covering the fields of Nuclear, Atomic, Subatomic, and Particle Physics, although in these fields there is far more openness towards matters perceived as unsettled.

Our section entitled The RealDeal® List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions is designed to fill this gap whose importance cannot be emphasized enough . There is no incentive for a student to pursue a career in Physics if every subject in Physics that he or she learns about appears to have been exhausted to the limit. This emphasis of what we do not know or understand in a particular subject must continuously be stated with considerable degree of clarity and prominence, in a way in which to attract the most talented young minds into pursuing a career in Physics. The road of knowledge and understanding of the various laws of Physics (both those discovered and those to be discovered) is far from complete or certain. In fact, all of the subjects of Physics contain many potholes, both large and small, which badly need to be filled.

Topics like the origin of Gravity or, say, why the Electron or the Proton are interacting in the way in which they do --are two of the many samples of the issues to be posted in the List. Derivative issues or topics of the unknown, such as why alpha-particles and no other formation are the most stable combination of particles in the Universe, shall be placed in The Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.


The remaining five (5) sections

1. The RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries;

2. The RealDeal® Theoretical Studies;

3. The RealDeal® Discovery Reports;

4. The RealDeal® Focus Line; and

5. The RealDeal® Historical Scrutinies;

which form the so-called Core sections of our publication are designed to cover a wide range of issues involving Natural Sciences and Philosophy, and a brief description of those sections related to Physics is described below. [Additional information is provided in the HomePage of each section (which you can reach from our Science's FrontPage site by clicking on the corresponding Icon-Button of each section located at the left side of the respective title) as well as in the Physics part of each section (which can be accessed from the corresponding Navigational Bar of the respective section located also in our Science's FrontPage.)]

1. The new, modern Physics of the 20th century has departed dramatically from the course and foundations of Classical Physics. And now that the 20th century is about to close, it is perhaps fitting to take a hard, close look and re-examine this new course and foundation on which 20th century Physics has embarked. We have to be absolutely sure that this new road taken by Physics, on which we have invested so much (both financially and intellectually), is a road worthy of being continued and pursued, and that it is not a road that will ultimately tangle us into a maze of such complexity and contradictions that it will lead us to nowhere. Our RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries section for Physics is geared towards this foundational re-examination of 20th century Physics.

2. The next Core section in line is The RealDeal® Theoretical Studies section. Here, we shall present theoretical studies of a variety of fundamental subjects of Physics within the guidelines set in our Publication Policy.

As noted in the Publication Policy page (which can be accessed from our FrontPage science site), these studies need to be written in a way so as to attract the largest possible audience interested in the subject at hand, in a non-technical language with an "eye" towards freshmen students, having one, and only one, goal in mind:

to lure and attract as many young students as possible into pursuing a career in Physics.

This is not an easy task to accomplish. In fact, even the attempt to reduce the advanced theoretical studies of Physics to a non-technical language may appear to be an insurmountable task. But this task must be accomplished if we hope to attract the brightest freshmen students to carry on the torch of Physics, a torch which should never be allowed to be extinguished or diminished of its strength.

To accomplish all this, the style and form of presentation here will be quite different from anything else ever written on the subject at hand because these studies, regardless of the complexity of the subject involved, will need to be provocative --to provoke first and foremost the interest in the subject itself. And second, you, the reader, must be introduced not only to the beauty and complexity of the subject involved, but also, and most importantly, to the shortcomings of the theory or subject described. These shortcomings, if properly implanted, will spring into fresh ideas and approaches to the subject at hand.


3. Notable discoveries in Physics will be reported in our Discovery Reports section, through a process involving four (4) phases, as follows,

i)  [?] The Status Phase

Immediately, upon learning of a discovery in Physics that appears to be significant (in the sense that the said discovery appears to confirm or upset a theory currently in use), we shall report such a discovery in the following manner:

a) If the discovery is theoretical in nature, we shall first attempt to get a non-technical version of it from the author(s). If that attempt fails, we may still try to get a non-technical version from other sources. If that attempt fails as well, we will place it into a special category of reports entitled The Unattainable Discovery Reports. If on the other hand, the said theoretical discovery can be presented in a non-technical language, it shall be placed into a different category entitled The Probable Discovery Reports.

b) If the discovery is experimental or observational in nature, we shall first attempt to get the details about the experiment in a non-technical language together with the results that it claims to prove from the author(s). If that attempt fails, we may still try to get a non-technical version from other sources. If that attempt fails as well, we will place it into a special category of reports entitled, as noted above, The Unattainable Discovery Reports. If on the other hand, the said experimental discovery can be presented into a non-technical language, it shall be placed into the category entitled, as noted above, The Probable Discovery Reports. Also if an experimental discovery reported cannot be duplicated elsewhere, and credible reports on this become available, the said discovery reported will be placed at once under the stated category of The Unattainable Discovery Reports.

Only discoveries from The Probable Discovery Reports will continue to receive our attention. The Unattainable discovery reports, at any time, may be converted into the Probable category if the stated conditions are met, but if this conversion does not take place within one (1) year, they will be permanently removed from our site.

ii)  [!] The Scrutiny Phase

The discoveries from The Probable Discovery Reports will enter, after a 30-day period, into a second phase of their existence, known as The Scrutiny Phase. This phase which shall last one (1) year, and upon good reason can be extended, will be the phase in which the veracity of a reported discovery shall be meticulously investigated and examined. If the challenges posed and accumulated appears to be lethal or formidable to overcome, for a particular reported discovery, the said discovery will be placed into the Unattainable category (as discussed above). If no serious challenges were able to be mounted against the discovery in question, at the end of one (1) year, the said discovery will get a RealDeal Pass and will be placed into The RealDeal Interim Discovery Reports section.

iii)  [=] The Defining Phase

The Interim discoveries, after a 30-day period, will enter, for 60 days, into what is called the Defining Phase. As a result of the challenges received during the Scrutiny Phase, the author(s) of the discovery may want to redefine and perhaps further clarify their discovery, defining thus even better the discovery in question.

iv)  [/\] The Disposition Phase

With the Defining Phase over, a reported discovery, will permanently enter into the RealDeal "Hall Of Fame". A "Hall of Fame" discovery shall always stay and be posted in our site.

To unseat a "Hall of Fame" discovery, the process will involve the accumulation of compelling evidence pointing away from the discovery in question, as follows:

-For experimental results, a proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" must exist to establish the existence of fraud and/or misrepresentation of data in support of a particular research. Upon such proof, the said discovery reported shall be removed from the "Hall of Fame" page and, shall be placed permanently into The RealDeal "Hall Of Shame" page.

-For theoretical discoveries to be unseated, a theoretical proof which annihilates and/or eliminates the old result(s) must exist, or alternatively, a fundamental logical error in the proof of the theory must be found to exist. In such a situation, the said theoretical result will be removed from our site, with no trace or reference to be found, as if it were never published.

Finally, when an experiment contradicts an established theoretical result, this, in itself, will not be able to unseat the said contradicted theoretical result, but a warning will be posted for the apparent conflict and placed into a new category entitled The Unresolved "Hall Of Fame" Discoveries. In all probability, the apparent scientific conflict created will be posted in our List (or Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions section.


4. Science, as anything else in life, to be able to flourish in a given Society and Culture must be able to have the necessary support. But what is actually "necessary" is not as simple to answer as perhaps it may seem. Issues of this sort affecting the complex relationships between Physics (with its various Research Programs and Projects) and Society will be explored from different viewpoints in our section entitled The RealDeal Focus Line. Also there, issues involving the antagonism, real or imaginary, between Physics and Religion will be presented from various perspectives and points of view.


5. Looking into Physics' past will undoubtedly help us steer the course for the future. But to be true to ourselves, and most importantly, true to the history of Physics, we need to have the fortitude to separate facts from fiction, and fiction from myths.

History of Science as it is taught and presented today does not come even close to providing us with the same level of scrutiny and abundance as is found in the General History of Mankind and, in fact, it is almost completely silent on critical views with very few exceptions. Why does this silence exist? It is as if a historian of science would be crucified if he or she were to "dig" into historic facts which could lead to a different, uncomplimentary portrayal of a famous scientist. It is as if the greater the fame, the greater the protection is from historic scrutiny towards such a scientist. And this apparent protectionism from legitimate historic scrutiny is bothersome if the History of Science is to become at parity with the study of the General History of Mankind. It is imperative that the search for the Historic Truth be made the core of all research and studies of the History of Science, if this branch of learning is to be credible, respectable, and independent.

This climate in which the History of Science has not gained its proper independent status within the realm of academic studies is troublesome. The History of Science needs to be elevated as a stand alone discipline and not merely as an auxiliary or extension to Science disciplines. Its methods and standards on historic scrutiny should be on parity with the ones employed by the general historians studying mankind. Only then, through unbiased historical filters, can Sciences be set free from biased representations of its members. Our Historic Scrutinies section will attempt to do just that, although we recognize the tremendous opposition with which we may be faced.


With respect to our two (2) Forum sections mentioned at the beginning of this overview presentation, which are listed in our FrontPage science site as the last two (2) sections, we may want to mention here the following:

· In The RealDeal® Forum Letters, we will present selected letters received from our readers with respect to the variety of issues that are being covered. Issues which do not pertain to the subjects covered herein will not be considered for publication in any form or fashion, although we will read all mail received and, when appropriate, we may respond in kind.

· Finally, in The RealDeal® Forum Chat Rooms we shall organize science events from a variety of topics and issues for debates.















Issues for Debates
i n
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