The RealDeal®
Science Forum of Debates

.      T h e  L i s t      .
( a n d  A u x i l i a r y  L i s t )
o f  M o s t  W a n t e d  S o l u t i o n s
T h e   H o m e P a g e   S i t e -
Navigational Bar For All 5 Fields

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 L e g e n d
To go to The List of a particular Field (Physics, Astronomy, and so on) click on the corresponding Field from the Navigational Bar above.  To go  directly to a particular part of this page, click on the respective destination-button below.

Destinations Within this Page:

             The List's Overview

To Other Destinations:


  What's New In

The List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions
[ C o v e r i n g  A l l    F i e l d s ]

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  • We have posted the General Overview for the List and Auxiliary List.








      Site Overview Of

    The List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions
    [ C o v e r i n g  A l l    F i e l d s ]

       A d v e r t i s e m e n t   S p a c e
    .List  and  Auxiliary  List  of  Most  Wanted  Solutions





    ... there is no greater challenge than
    to tackle the unknown ...



      The List and Auxiliary List Overview 




    I. Defining The List and Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions


    As a general rule, out of the five (5) "Core" sections of our publication,

    1. The RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries;
    2. The RealDeal® Theoretical Studies;
    3. The RealDeal® Discovery Reports;
    4. The RealDeal® Focus Line: Science vs. Society, Religion; and
    5. The RealDeal® Historical Scrutinies.

    only Issues for Debates from the first three section listed will receive further scrutiny, attention, and consideration. Out of these Issues of Debates, the most intransigent ones which were not able to be resolved during the normal course of debates (as outlined in the Issues for Debates HomePage site) shall be transferred, as a general rule, to The List or Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions following this simple criteria: if the Issue in question is from the Foundational Inquiries section it shall be placed in the List, if not in the Auxiliary List provided that if the Issue in question is from the Theoretical Studies section whose subject is general enough to transcend to other subjects or fields, the said unresolved Issue shall be placed in The List rather than in The Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.


    Once placed in The List or Auxiliary List, an Issue for Debates shall be elevated and considered to be extraordinary both in its depth and in its importance for the subject at hand. An Issue in the List or Auxiliary List indicates first and foremost that it needs to be handled and approached radically different than it was handled before, and that in all likelihood will need the attention of a new generation of scholars.


    When someone is interested in opening an Issue from the List or Auxiliary List either to suggest a new approach or to present the solution itself, a written Application to Open the List (or the Auxiliary List) needs to be submitted outlining the exact nature and reasoning for seeking the opening of the Issue at hand. Should such an Application be weak in its arguments presented it shall be rejected with or without comment. Should, on the other hand, the Application appear to have merit, it shall be accepted and the author(s) be notified accordingly forthwith. Upon receiving such notification, the author (or authors) needs (or need) to submit as soon as possible the article in support of the Application dealing with the solution or the proposed new approach to the issue at hand. If the submitted article appears to back up the Application to Open The List or The Auxiliary List, then both these two (2) papers shall be published simultaneously in The Hall of Fame Forum of Debates associated with the respective Field (Physics, Astronomy, etc.) to which the issue in question belongs. A mandatory one (1) year stay shall be imposed on each and every Issue entering the Hall of Fame Forum. During this time the respective Issue may be subjected to selected critical reviews. At the end of the year, we shall publish a document entitled Report on the State of the Issue where we shall review the status of the Issue in question in relationship to the critical reviews received over the past year.

    If no serious opposition was able to be mounted, the Issue shall be removed from the List or Auxiliary List and placed into The Hall of Fame of Most Wanted Solutions. The name, if not anonymous, of the author(s) submitting the solution to the Issue at hand shall be placed in our Hall of Fame List of Laureates and they will receive our highest merit award entitled The RealDeal Citation of High Merit and Exceptional Distinction.

    Should, on the other hand, over the past year credible opposition was able to be mounted, this will be noted in our stated Report on the State of the Issue and, at that time one of these two (2) actions can be taken: either the solution offered shall be dismissed, or the said issue shall extend its stay for another two (2) years of scrutiny in the Hall of Fame Forum of Debates. At the end of the 2-year extension time, we shall issue a new report entitled The 2nd Report on the State of the Issue. Should lingering questions still persist with respect to the solution provided and, if needed, modified, then the said solution --in its latest form of presentation will be dismissed. Should, on the other hand, the lingering problems and objections with respect to the solution at hand no longer pose a credible challenge, the said solution will finally enter into the Hall of Fame of Most Wanted Solutions and its author(s) shall receive our highest achievement award --the RealDeal Citation of High Merit and Exceptional Distinction.



    II. Direct Admission of an Issue for Debates into The List or Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.

    In special circumstances, and in the interest of the subject at hand, we, at our own initiative, can transfer (with or without comment) a posted Issue for Debates, irrespective of the phase of debate that it may be in, directly to The Hall of Fame Forum of Debates and place the said issue into the List or Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions according to the type of issue involved.

    Notwithstanding our general rule of not allowing unresolved issues from the Focus Line and Historical Scrutinies sections to further be studied and elevated into reaching The List or Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions for additional reviews and consideration, in special circumstances however, in the interest of the subject at hand, a participant, through a written Application to Grant an Exception, may show merit and good cause for bringing such an issue to The List or Auxiliary List. In such a situation, upon such show of merit, exception to the said rule shall be enforced and the said Application shall be granted.



    III. How The List and Auxiliary List is Being Organized

    A subject, say the Magnetic Field, can have a number of issues and questions posted in The List and also can have issues and questions posted in The Auxiliary List. Sometimes an issue or question from The List of a subject may be intimately connected to one or more issues or questions from The Auxiliary List of the respective subject and/or vice versa. It is therefore natural to group together all issues and questions of a subject for both The List and The Auxiliary List. Since each subject is part of a main topic or a subtopic, a corresponding hierarchical structure will follow in the organization of our List and Auxiliary List. Finally, should situations occur when a subject belongs to more than one field [say, for instance, to Physics and to Astronomy, as in the case for the Magnetic Field subject where aside from questions from Physics, astronomical questions relating to the magnetic fields of the Sun, the Earth (and perhaps of other celestial objects) may also exist], then, in such situations, all affected fields shall have in their List or Auxiliary List the comprehensive listing with respect to the totality of the subject at hand.


    All questions and issues posted in The List and Auxiliary List have in their left site a Magnifying-Glass Icon which is designed to act as a button. Upon clicking on it, you will be directed to a page, where you will have an in-depth description of the issue at hand as well as its history of how it got here in our List or Auxiliary list of Most Wanted Solutions. Finally, a subject title with respect to an Issue is flanked, at each side, by an Icon denoting an Open Folder. By clicking on that Folder-Icon, you will reach the respective Subject Reference Folder where you will have at your fingertips everything that we have published with respect to that subject, from letters to comprehensive studies.


    Additional information shall be posted here, as needed, with respect to The List and Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.








          I s s u e s    f o r    D e b a t e s      
    F o r   t h e   C o n t e n t   o f
    T h e   L i s t    and    A u x i l i a r y   L i s t 
    C o n c e r n i n g    A l l   F i e l d s
      T h e   G l o b a l   V i e w   

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